Due to the weather the Double Ice Complex will not be open Monday, February10th, 2025. Therefore, all programs/games will be...
PMHA-TImekeeper-Applications If you are interested in becoming a timekeeper for the 2024-25 season, please fill out the...
The Annual General Meeting for Paradise Minor Hockey Association was held on Wednesday, July 29, 2024. The Association would...
Reach out to our Executive Coordinator for options! executivecoordinator@paradiseminorhockey.ca
Calling all volunteers...Head coaches, Assistant Coaches, Trainers, Managers, Junior Coaches, etc.Volunteer...
Is your player Interested in Junior Coaching? More info on program requirements can be found at Hockey...
Has your player expressed an interest in playing betwen the pipes? Paradise Minor Hockey Association is recruiting new...
PMHA volunteer registration is now open for new and returning volunteer coaches and managers.Visit our Applications tab...